This is our favorite story to tell, it all really started when Mrs. Jan (Gage's mom) sold me my house in Oxford! She told me all about him, and showed me pictures in hopes to set us up. We now know she did the same to Gage! Unfortunately nothing happened at that time though..
Fast forward 1 year later, and I was with my best friend Mary Love and her husband Carr at one of our favorite spots in Oxford (The Library). I recognized Gage from a distance talking with Carr and asked Mary Love who he was. Turns out they were fraternity brothers together. Mary Love told me who he was and a little about him and then I walked right up to him and said, "Hey, I think your mom sold me my house". We talked for a while and then I left with Mary Love. Turns out he knew who I was all along, but pretended not to.
I found out the next day he had asked Mary Love for my number, but she didn't want to give it out without my permission! He then messaged me on Instagram the next day, and here we are now!